Quit Smoking Easily with these 4 simple steps
All it takes is one puff of a cigarette to start smoking again. This is the underlying principle that we need to understand before starting our journey towards quitting smoking.
I smoked for 11 years and tried to quit multiple times but failed every single time. In this post, I’m sharing a few tips that helped me quit smoking once and for all. Now, it is been 6 years and I have not smoked. It feels so great about this feeling of being free of such a big habit.
If you quit for more than one year you’re likely to lose your risk of becoming a smoker again.
1. Change the psychology
This is the most critical step that is required. When I was trying to quit smoking, I failed multiple times because my psychology was “I want to quit”. I got successful in quitting smoking when I changed my psychology to “I’m not a smoker”. This little change in psychology changed everything. Why?
James Clear in his book Atomic Habits talks about something called “The desired Personality”. If you wish to change a habit, think about the personality of the person you want to become and start acting like one.
Though I hadn’t read this book at the time when I quit smoking but this is exactly what I did. I adapted the personality of a non-smoker.
Change your psychology from "I'm trying to quit" to "I don't smoke"
2. Quit smoking with denial
Start denying everyone who offers you to smoke
3. Make it easy to quit
- Prepare a quit plan. If you know what you want to do, there will be no waiting for the time to end.
- Set a quitting date. Set a quit date that you want to quit smoking. By quitting with the deadline you can get your plans into motion right away.
- Quit smoking the day before. It’s the easiest thing to do. Not going to quit smoking on the quitting day, is the hardest thing to do. You have to quit smoking the day before and not on the quitting day.
Set a date to quit smoking but quit a day before
4. Manage the stimuli
Just try to use these tips the next time you try to quit smoking. It will definitely help.
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